HomeNewsArticlesThe biggest revolution has come into light when Csir has developed a...

The biggest revolution has come into light when Csir has developed a biodegradable and compostable plastic

This product can ensure that when plastic end up in landfills, it can bio-degrade within 180days, if bio plastic product is combined with organic waste it can decompose within 90 days with no toxic remains.

Bio plastics are a comparatively new field within the South African plastics industry. As an outcome, landfills overflow with plastic bags and products from the household waste process. The development is a significant milestone for the Csir in working towards environmental sustainability and a green economy for South Africa.

“Our bioplastic technology is based on the use of biopolymers and agricultural waste by-products such as starch, cellulose and glycerol. Through smart use of additives, we have created unique formulations to modify the properties through a melt-processing technique. This has resulted in pellets which can be blown into films for carrier bags, kitchen waste bags, mulch films and packaging films, as well as rigid cutlery products,” says Csir senior researcher Dr Sudhakar Muniyasamy.

“Our technology has been validated at an industrial manufacturing facility, and the pilot scale-testing for the production of the pellets and industrial-scale conversion process has been done for a specific product line, “by Muniyasamy.

This can be a booster for the agricultural sector, medical and hospitality industries. Who have been waiting for green method of packaging, the market had been using petroleum based chemicals for 90%of its packaging, which is not a good produce for environment.

Csir is now working towards licensing the technology as part of the commercialization process.

For more details: www.csir.co.za/


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